The best fitness centre in Tarragona
for its facilities and surroundings
With open indoor and outdoor spaces
Gym in a totally natural, non-urban environment with the guarantee of the DiR chain. A facility with excellent views, where the practice of indoor sports is a different experience to any you have known until now.
In addition, it consists of multiple outdoor spaces that multiply the options and possibilities to enjoy it in different ways.
Its Health Centre offering physiotherapy, aesthetics and nutrition services.
Switch to the new generation of training
Search, book and train with the revolutionary My DIR app
Enjoy the latest trends in guided fitness activities
Prices: Fitness + Swimming Pool 59,90€ / month
Prices: Fitness + Swimming Pool 59,90€ / month
DIR Fitness
A perfectly trained staff with a professionalism above the normal standards is in charge of the smooth operation of the facility while combining all the activities. They are friendly, proactive and dynamic people who will raise the level of your experience.
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