18 hole golf course
Golf in the heart of the countryside
Golf Costa Daurada is an 18 hole, par 72 course perfectly integrated into its Mediterranean environment.
Its unbeatable location offers sunny winters and balmy summers tempered by the sea breeze, with the Mediterranean sun present in all seasons of the year.
Everybody from novices to the most demanding players will enjoy a course that combines very technical holes with water, dog-legs and large bunkers, as well as links-style holes.
An original Catalan farmhouse located in the highest part of the Club is the ideal setting for the social venue that, with its restaurant specialising in Catalan dishes, delights all who dine in it.
Golfers can take advantage of our golf school, 2 putting greens and a driving range, as well as an approach area and practice bunkers. We also offer golf club, golf cart (electric and manual), car and motorcycle hire.

Driving Range and Practice Zone
Golf Costa Daurada has an ideal practice area for training, warming-up and teaching. It is conveniently located next to the clubhouse and Tee 1.
It has a driving range offering the possibility of driving off from natural grass, as well as covered and open-air areas, lighting, and target greens for practising your best shots at the flag.
For the short game, it has two putting greens of the same quality as those on the main links, and a large approach area where you can improve all types of shots.
Golf Costa Daurada has three academies so you can choose the one that best suits your improvement goals
We offer a wide range of choices to help you find the solution that best suits you
From private lessons to group classes in a unique practice and teaching environment at any time of the year and on the schedule that best suits your needs.
Three short greens and a covered and open-air driving range with natural grass and lighting for the winter months.

Golf Fees
Local Rules Golf Costa Daurada
The golf rules of the Royal Spanish Golf Federation, the Local Permanent Rules of the Catalan Golf Federation and the following LOCAL RULES:
Local Rules
Local Rules
The course limits are defined by lines, white stakes, stone fences and fence posts that determine the course boundaries, and are applied as such in these rules.
Hole 18: There is a drop zone as an additional option with a penalty stroke for those balls that come to rest in the in the penalty area of this hole. The drop zone is a relief area, in accordance with Rule 14.3
The New 2019 Golf Rules
1. Drop from knee height (NOT shoulder height) .
2. Measure the area to drop in with the longest club in your bag (but not a putter).
3. Drop in and play from the relief area.
4. When dropping back-on-the-line, your ball cannot be played from nearer the hole than your chosen reference point.
5. Time to search – 3 minutes (NOT 5 minutes).
6. If you accidentally move your ball when searching for it, replace it without penalty.
7. No penalty for a double hit – it only counts as one stroke.
8. No penalty if your ball hits you or your equipment accidentally after a stroke.
9. No penalty if your ball strikes the flagstick when you have chosen to leave it in the hole.
10. Spike marks and other shoe damage on the putting green can be repaired.
11. Ball accidentally moved on putting green – no penalty and replace.
12. Ball marked, lifted and replaced on putting green is moved by wind to another position –replace ball on the original spot.
13. Penalty areas replace water hazards, and you can move loose impediments, ground your club and take practice swings in penalty areas without penalty, just as you can on the fairway or in the rough.
14. You can’t take relief from a penalty area unless you are at least 95% certain that your ball is in the penalty area.
15. You can move loose impediments in bunkers.
16. In bunkers you cannot touch the sand with your club in the area right in front of or right behind your ball, during your backswing or in taking practice swings.
17. Free relief is allowed if your ball is embedded on the fairway or in the rough (“embedded” meaning here that part of your ball is below ground surface level).
18. Unplayable ball in bunker – extra option to drop outside the bunker for 2 penalty strokes.
19. You cannot have your caddie or your partner standing behind you once you begin to take your stance.
20. Pace of Play – it is recommended that you take no longer than 40 seconds to make a stroke (and usually you should be able to play more quickly than that) and Ready Golf in stroke play is encouraged.Permanent Local Rules of the Catalan Golf Federation (CGF)
The following Permanent Local Rules and Competition Conditions, together with any other additions or corrections, published on each course by the CGF will be applied in all those championships and tournaments organized by the CGF. The full text of any local rule referenced below may be found in the Rules of Golf – The Official Guide which has been in effect as of 1 January 2019.
Except where otherwise specified, the penalty for the infringement of a local rule is a general penalty the loss of the hole in match play, or two strokes in stroke play
1. OUT OF BOUNDS (Rule 18.2)
Beyond any wall, fence, fence or white stakes that define the boundary of the course.
a) When the limits are defined by white stakes or fencing posts (excluding angled supports), the line outside the limits is determined by those points closest to the course of the aforementioned stakes, posts, fences, etc., at ground level. A ball is out of bounds when all of it is beyond this line.
b) When the limits are defined by a continuous white line, this line defines the out of bounds area. A ball is out of bounds when all of it lies on or beyond this line.
c) A ball that crosses a road defined as out of bounds and that goes beyond this road, is out of bounds, although it may rest on any other part of the course.
2. PENALTY AREAS (Rule 17)
a. When a penalty area is linked to a course, the edge of the penalty area extends to the limit and coincides with it.
b. When it is known or it is virtually certain that a player’s ball has come to rest in any penalty area, where the ball last crossed the boundary of the penalty area at a point that coincides with the course limit, the option of relief on the opposite boundary will be available under Local Rule Model B-2.1
Dropping zones for penalty areas
In the event that a dropping zone is marked for a penalty area, this will be an additional option and will incur a penalty of one stroke. The dropping zone is a relief area according to Rule 14.3, which means that a ball must be dropped into the relief area and lie at rest within it.
a. Ground under repair
(1) Any areas marked with a continuous or discontinuous white line or blue stakes, including spectator crossing points, where these are marked.
(2) Any areas of damaged ground (such as damage caused by the public or the movement of vehicles) that are considered abnormal by a referee.
(3) Cable ditches that are covered with grass.
(4) Drains (drainage ditches filled with stones).
(5) Clumps of divots. Applicable – Local Rule Model F-7
(6) Painted distance marks or points on the putting green, or in an area of the general area cut at fairway height (road) or at a lower height shall be considered as ground under repair, and as such, relief under Rule 16.1 is permitted. There is no interference if the painted distance marks or points only interfere with the player’s stance.
(7) Relief due to interference is not permitted due to the placement of the player in a hole, debris or paths made on the course by a burrowing animal, a reptile, or bird, but relief is permitted by the lie of the ball or the area of swing to be made. Local Rule model F-6.
b. Immovable obstructions.
The areas marked with white lines and the immovable obstruction to which they are attached are to be treated as a single abnormal condition on the course.
(1) Landscaped areas and everything that grows in them, and which are completely surrounded by an immovable obstruction are to be treated as a single abnormal condition on the course.
(2) Roads or paths covered with wood chips or similar objects. Individual pieces of wood chips are to be treated as loose impediments.
c. Embedded ball.
Rule 16.3 is modified in the following manner: No relief is allowed without penalty for a ball embedded in a wall of turf cuts in a bunker.
The following list comprises integral objects where relief without penalty is not permitted:
a. Bunker linings (mats and protections) in their pre-established position.
b. Wires, cables, wrappings or other objects when they are closely attached to trees or other permanent objects.
c. Artificial retaining walls and posts when located within penalty areas
If a ball hits a power line or overhead cable, the stroke will not count, and the player must place a ball as close as possible to the point from which the original ball was played. Exception: If as a result of a stroke, a ball hits an elevated junction section of cables rising from the ground, the stroke may not be repeated.
These may not be used in any off the competitions in which young children play (classifications: Benjamines, Alevines, Infantiles, Cadetes, Boys, Girls and/or Juniors. The penalty for the infraction of this rule is, for Match Play: loss of hole, and in Stroke Play, two strokes, a second breach of this rule will result in disqualification.
a. List of Conforming Driver Heads. Local Rule Model G-1 is applicable.
The penalty for playing a stroke with any club that breaches this local rule is disqualification.
Specifications on grooves and marks. The Local Rule Model G-2 is applicable. b. The penalty for playing a stroke with any club that breaches this local rule is disqualification.
c. List of Conforming Balls. Local Rule Model G-1 is applicable. The penalty for breaching this local rule is disqualification. Note: an updated list of clubs and balls is available at www.randa.org
8. THE PACE OF PLAY (Rule 6-7 Note 2)
In the absence of extenuating circumstances, a group may be timed if it exceeds the time permitted, and if it is the second, or later group, if in addition to exceeding the time limit allowed, it is out of position. The time allowed will be determined by the Tournament Director or the Chief Referee and posted on the official bulletin board. He term ‘out of position’ means being delayed – in relation to the interval of the exit time – with the group playing ahead.
If, from the moment when timing is started, a player exceeds 40 seconds, or 50 seconds if he is the first to play an approach hit, a par three, chip or putt, he will be considered to have had “bad timing”.
A player, whose group being timed will be told of any bad timing that has been incurred during the round, even though his group may later return to the correct position or within the time allowed. The penalties for an infraction of this rule are as follows:
Stroke-Play Match-Play
Bad timing: verbal warning
Two bad timings: 1 penalty stroke and loss of hole
Three bad timings: 2 penalty strokes and loss of hole
Four bad timings: Disqualification
1. Players will NOT be notified that they are being timed.
2. The timing will be made from the moment it is the player’s turn to play, giving him enough time to reach his ball and play without interference or distraction. On greens, timing begins once the player has had a reasonable time to lift, clean and replace his ball, fix divots and remove any loose obstacles from his putting line.
9. RAPID PACE OF PLAY Rule 5-6b (Procedures of the 5G Committee)
The Committee may establish a maximum time limit in which to complete a round and may penalise players with two strokes if they do not deliver their scorecards in the area facilitated for this purpose within the maximum time limit established by the contest committee.
The decision as to whether a disqualified player may or may not remain on the course is that of the contest committee.
The following signals will be used to both suspend and resume the game:
Immediate suspension due to imminent danger – a prolonged siren/horn blast. Suspension due to a non-dangerous situation – three consecutive short blasts of a siren/horn.
Resumption of the game – two consecutive short siren blasts. Note: When the game is suspended due to imminent danger, all playing areas will be immediately closed.
This is not authorised, except when specifically allowed by the contest committee. During a round, neither a player nor a caddy may be transported in any means of motorised transport, unless authorized or later authorized by the Rules Committee. A player who is going to play, or has played, under a penalty of stroke and distance is always authorized to ride on any means of motorised transport. The player will incur the general penalty at each hole at which a penalty has been made. The penalty between two holes is applied to the next hole.
12. Advice for Teams in Competitions (Rule 24)
Each team may appoint an ‘advice giver’ and who may be asked for advice by team players during a round. The team must identify each advice giver to the committee before any team player begins his or her round.
13. Registration
Players must comply with the registration conditions established in the specific competition conditions for the championship or tournament. The card collection area may include, but is not restricted to, temporary constructions, tents and permanent buildings. Notification of any other type of collection area will be provided on the bulletin board. A card will be considered to have been delivered to the committee when the player has left the card collection area.
When the final results sheets are placed on the official notice board or on the CGF website, the result of the competition will be considered officially announced and the competition closed.
Explanatory Videos of the New 2019 Rules
Course-marking changes
Modifications in course marking according to the NEW 2019 GOLF REGULATIONS
Coinciding with these changes, modifications have been made to course marking AND WITH THE AIM OF IMPROVING PACE OF PLAY:
A penalty area has been defined behind the path that passes behind the green and a dropping zone as an additional option with a penalty point for the ball that lies in the penalty area of this hole. The dropping zone is a relief area, in accordance with Rule 14.3
Penalty areas have been defined TO THE RIGHT of both holes.
Penalty areas have been defined TO THE LEFT, TO THE RIGHT AND BEHIND THE GREEN.
A penalty area has been defined TO THE LEFT.
A penalty area has been defined TO THE RIGHT (from the lavatory building and BEHIND the green.
A penalty area has been defined TO THE RIGHT of the green that connects to that already existing behind and to the left of the green.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember that the existence of a penalty area is incompatible and prevails over LOCAL RULE 3 ALTERNATIVE TO STROKE AND DISTANCE FOR A LOST BALL OR AN OUT OF BOUNDS BALL (LOCAL RULE E-5)
Golf Club Adress Phone Web Aravell Golf Avenida del Cadí, 2
25712 Aravell
Lleida973 36 00 66 Visit Centro Deportivo Barberan Ctra. Extremadura, Km.10,7
28024 Cuatro Vientos
Madrid91 648 95 27 Visit Club de Golf de Guara Carretera N-330
22193 Arascues – Nueno
Huesca974340165 Visit Club de Golf Sojuela Calle Solcampo 9 – Urbanización Moncalvillo Green
26376 Sojuela
La Rioja941 44 67 10 Visit Club de Golf Gorraiz Valle de Egües
Navarra948 33 70 73 Visit Club de Golf La Cuesta de Llanes Las Barqueras, s/n
33500 Llanes
AsturiasVisit Club de Golf Novo Sancti Petri Urbanización Novo Sancti Petri, s/n (Casa Club Playa de La Barrosa)
11130 Chiclana de la Frontera
Cádiz956 49 40 05 Visit Club de Golf Vallromanes Afores, s/n
08188 Vallromanes
Barcelona93 572 90 64 Visit Fontanals Golf Soriguerola
17538 Fontanals de Cerdanya
Girona972144374 Visit Raimat Club de Golf Afores s/n
25111 Raimat
Lleida973737539 Visit Real Nuevo Club de Golf Basozabal Camino de Goyaz Txiki n.41
20014 San Sebastián
Guipúzcoa943467642 Visit Retamares Casino Club de Golf Carretera Algete-Alapardo, Km. 2,300 – Urb. Miraval
28300 Madrid
Madrid91 620 25 40 Visit Rioja Alta Golf Club Casa Club Campo de Golf
26258 Cirueña
La Rioja941 34 08 95 Visit Club de Golf Costa de Azahar Av. de Ferrandis Salvador, 19
12100 Grao de Castellón
Valencia964280979 Visit Golf Club Peralada C/ de Rocabertí, s/n
17491 Peralada
Girona972 53 82 87 Visit Club de Golf Principat Andorra Carrer Sant Antoni núm. 5, entresol D
Andorra+376 866366 Visit Desert Springs Resort y Club de Golf Playas del Amanzora SL, Edificio Vilasol
4616 Cuevas del Almanzora
Almeria950467104 Visit Exe Las Margas Golf Mirador del Valle, s/n
22613 Latas
Huesca974 49 94 99 Visit Golf Galicia Ria de Vigo Golf San Lorenzo, s/n
Domaio, Moaña 36957
Pontevedra986327051 Visit Golf Moià Carretera Nacional 141C, Km 25,5
08180 Moià
Barcelona654 51 31 80 Visit Camp de Golf Municipal de Matadepera Carrer de Pompeu Fabra, 0
08230 Matadepera
Barcelona937 30 05 16 Visit Sant Vicenc de Montalt Golf Club Carrer Vinyes d’en Mandri, 82
08394 Sant Vicenç de Montalt
Barcelona937 91 51 11 Visit Club de Campo Señorio de Zuasti C. San Andrés, 1
31892 Zuasti
Navarra948 30 29 00 Visit Club de Golf Ulzama NA-411, km 6
31799 Lizaso
Navarra948305162 Visit Torremirona Golf Club N-260, Km. 46,
17744 Navata
Girona972 55 37 37 Visit
Specialist Staff
Contemplating only excellence as the basis and driving force of our activity, and convinced that our students of today will be our ambassadors and representatives of tomorrow, our commitment from the beginning has been to have the best teaching staff.
It is this qualitative approach that has allowed us to reach a historical milestone in quantitative terms in just a few months, with more than two hundred students who already feel the colours of the club as their own.
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