On the Costa Daurada close to the sea and the city of Tarragona
and for all tastes!
Culture – Roman Tarragona, Catalan Art-Nouveau, the Cistercian Route and more, all make this area well-worth a visit.
The area’s natural parks are a ‘must-do’ visit, especially if you enjoy walking or climbing. The Montsant mountains await you – discover another side of the Costa Daurada.
With its Mediterranean cuisine in dozens of high-quality restaurants
Wine tourism, an ideal choice for the lovers of great wines: DO Priorat, DO Cava, DO Catalunya, DO Tarragona, and many more.
Water sports, easily accessible from our location, with a whole range of options available at coastal recreation centres.
Close to Barcelona, another visit you can’t miss – only 45 kilometres away.
Leisure and fun options, with water parks and venues like PortAventura, Ferrariland and Aquopolis, all close at hand.
Click here or more information on the Costa Daurada
Costa Daurada https://costadaurada.info
Tarragona https://www.tarragonaturisme.cat
Reus http://www.reusturisme.cat
Salou https://www.visitsalou.eu
Cambrils https://cambrils-turisme.com
Barcelona https://www.barcelonaturisme.com
Tierras del Ebro https://terresdelebre.travel
La ruta del Cister https://www.larutadelcister.info
Enoturimo Priorat http://www.prioratenoturisme.com
Enoturimo Penedès https://www.enoturismepenedes.cat
Portaventura https://www.portaventuraworld.com
Ferrariland https://www.portaventuraworld.com/ferrari-land
Aquopolis https://costa-dorada.aquopolis.es
Aeropuerto de Reus http://www.aena.es/es/aeropuerto-reus/index.html
Aeropuerto de Barcelona https://www.aeropuertobarcelona-elprat.com
AVE https://www.trenes.com/ave/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw6IfoBRCiARIsAF6q06vikJDLMfS_kYhyHXV5lPqOcY9_9FWhISbJoKOEX63zWdhCn-ALhwMaAjgOEALw_wcB
Autobus http://emtanemambtu.cat
Asociación Costa Daurada Destino de Golf i Pitch & Putt http://www.cdgolf.es